Returns & Exchange

Returns & Refund Policy

If you claim a leakage in the product or if it was damaged during the delivery process, please send us an email with the following details, within 48 hours of the delivery date. We will issue a product exchange for any product that is returned in a saleable and undamaged condition, in its original packaging and can be verified to be damaged/faulty. Please allow one to three weeks from the day you return your package, for your exchange request to be fully processed and closed.
Please write to us within 48 hours of receiving the product that you would like to exchange or refund at with the following details:

Once all the details are received, it would take our team 3 working days to revert on the complaint/ query/ issue. In case an exchange is approved for your complaint, you will be informed of the same with an authorization number, and a reverse pick-up of the product will be arranged. In the case of a product refund, once your request is approved the refund will reflect in your account within 10-15 days and you will be sent an email confirming the same.
All products to be exchanged must be sent back to us packed in the same packaging as it was received in and physically accompanied in the reverse pick-up by the original receipt and a document that states the following:
Please also email this document and share an image of the reverse pick-up consignment (inside and outside packaging) with our Customer Care representative who you have been in touch with on email.
Once the package is received by our warehouse team the exchange order will be processed within 24 hours. You will then be informed of the new consignment tracking details.
Please note orders for Gift boxes are not applicable for exchange or refund here.
Oudhify Online is not responsible for damage after delivery.

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Floral Lined Jacket

Gray / XL

1 X $113.88

Total: $113.88
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Frayed Layered Sleeve

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